Social responsibility

Our commitment to manage social, environmental and economic aspects in a manner that benefits society.

FICOPER is conscious about impact we have on different aspects of society – economic, social, and environmental. We integrate society’s concerns in our operations and interactions with stakeholders.
Our practices are in compliance with labour legislation, occupational safety and health legislation and environmental legislation. FICOPER keeps high labour standards and working conditions, gender balance and social equity in the team. We are keen on development of our employees and provide opportunities for their personal and professional growth.
Among FICOPER’s customers there are many climate neutral companies - with low or zero carbon emission production.
FICOPER itself is an agile eco-efficient enterprise with responsible sourcing and resources consumption practices. Where possible we do organize our work to have less environmental impact by integrating tools for distant communication.
FICOPER promotes healthy life style among stakeholders.
We have regular team events with stakeholders, which include sport activities and being outside. FICOPER provides health care insurance in leading private clinics to its employees.
During COVID-19 pandemic FICOPER strictly followed THL recommendations and adapted quickly its operations to the new factors. Safety of our employees and clients was the doubtless priority, and as a result no team member was infected.

FICOPER acts responsibly, aiming to support positive changes in society. We regularly analyse and update our governance policies and approach of determining which clients we serve and on what matters.